MOTHER - Cappuccini Resort



Friday 11 May at 20.15 Cappuccini Resort is pleased to host the second Creative Workshop.


On the occasion of the Mother’s Day, Friday, May 11, the author Monja Parmigiani will involve us and will accompany between the pages of her book “Mother”.

The workshop will focus on the intense meaning of this novel: Inanna, the protagonist, with her own experience, testifies the continuous renewal of creation in the woman’s body.
This power is realized in accepting the gift of motherhood, a gift that is great even if it does not end with the birth of a child.

An intricate and compelling story, through which the author has skillfully managed to weave a marvelous and complex canvas from which emerges an eternal truth: the indissoluble strength of each woman, mother and at the same time goddess.

A free evening, to celebrate all the great women.

Reservations are required.